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Dermatology (Skin)

Skin disease is one of the most common problems we see in veterinary medicine. Bacterial or fungal infections, external parasites (fleas, lice, ticks, mites), food intolerances and allergies, environmental allergies, immune-mediated diseases, hormonal diseases, and inflammatory conditions can all lead to skin problems.

Itchiness, hair loss, bumps or lumps on the skin, rashes, ulcers, scaliness or crustiness, or a greasy, smelly coat can all indicate a dermatological problem in your pet. Ear problems are extremely common, and can happen suddenly or be very chronic in nature. These conditions can often be very uncomfortable, and need to be addressed.

Accurate diagnosis is essential in dealing with skin disease, and we have many diagnostic tools at our disposal to help us. Cytology (looking at cells under the microscopic), skin scrapings, fungal and bacterial cultures, microscopic hair evaluation, skin biopsies, and blood and urine testing are often needed to enable us to know what is causing your pet’s problem.

Many skin problems are chronic in nature, and cannot be cured once and for all. These conditions require consistent management and follow up visits to keep the problem under control, and ensure the comfort of your pet. Please contact our hospital if you suspect that your pet may suffer from any of these problems.