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Oncology (Cancer)

Oncology is the study of cancer. Because of good preventive health care, our pets are living longer today than ever before. Because cancer tends to be a problem of older pets, we are therefore dealing with this devastating problem much more than in the past.

Perhaps no medical condition can provoke the same emotional reaction that cancer can. Many of us have experienced the devastating effects that cancer can bring in our own lives and the lives of our loved ones. We understand those feelings, and will do our very best to help guide you through the difficult decisions that must be made following your pet’s diagnosis.

More can be done now to help our cancer patients than ever before. Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are all viable options for treating our patients, as well as palliative care to keep them comfortable as they deal with this disease. Many pets tolerate the effects of chemotherapy very well — often much better than in humans. In addition, a difference in philosophy in veterinary medicine (a definite concentration on quality of life versus quantity of life) means that if an animal is having side effects from treatment that are adversely affecting his or her quality of life, then treatment can be stopped at any time.

We will work with you through these difficult times, and help you to make the best decisions for you and for your beloved companion.